Festa Junina NY - Children Helping Children

Bla NYC have teamed up with Brazil Child Health & BrazilFoundation to promote the 1st Benefit Festa Junina Children Helping Children in New York City. The event took place on June 5th 2011, at the Metropolitan Pavilion in New York with more than 450 attendees, among Brazil Child Health CEO Jussara Korngold and Patricia Lobaccaro BrazilFoundations CEO, Alessandra Ambrósio with her daughter Anja; Fabiana Saba with Victoria; Bela Gil, JP Demasi and Flor, Vanessa Grecca and Kira, Tatiana Abraços with Nina and Isabela; Luciana Curtis, Henrique Gendre and Cora; Carolina Bittencourt, Cedrick Roche and  Olivia. 

Patricia Lobaccaro, CEO da BF; Fabiana Saba; Jussara Korngold, Mariana Cruso e Flavia Barker da BCH
Renata Maciel e Carol Bitterncourt
Flor, JP e Bela Gil
Luciana Curtis com Cora e Vanessa Greca com Kira
Mirella Afonso (BlaNYCPRGiirls), Pablo e Julianne Rossi
Fabiana Saba com a filhota Victoria
Anja e a mamae Alessandra Ambrosio

All profit raised in the event, will support projects in education and health for underprivileged children in Brazil. Bla is thankful for opportunity and happy with amazing results!

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 by Mirella Afonso
#BlaBlaBlaNYC #BlaBlaBlogNYC
photo credit:BlaNYCPRGirls


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