Casey Legler: The Only Woman Working Exclusively As A Male Model
Casey Legler, 35 years old, 6ft 2" tall, strong jaw line and tatoos is carving out a successful career as a male model, BUT Casey just happens to be a woman. # the only one in the entire world working exclusively as a male model.
She’s recently been signed to the men’s division at the prestigious Ford modelling agency # French-born Casey Legler says her unlikely carer as a male model started after posing as a guy in photo shoot, as a favor for a friend, she said in an interview with TIME Magazine.
After her friend showed the resulting photos to a booker at Ford, she was soon signed to the men’s division by the prestigious agency. # Bla NYC has to agree with FORD's decison # She looks great and so sexy! # U go girl!!
by Mirella Afonso
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